Saturday, May 24, 2014

Here It Is!

So, I started a new blog!

Bopping Around the House is my blog about, well, things I do (or aspire to do) at home. That could include lots of things, such as crafts, DIY, cooking, baking, eating/diet, yard work, gardening, home decor, cleaning, organization, and lots of other domestic pursuits!

My husband and I will soon be moving to our first (rental) house, and there is just SO much to be done! I have been getting excited about decorating and furnishing all the new spaces, not to mention the exciting novelty of having a YARD. A yard and garden which need, to put it nicely, a lot of quality TLC.

On top of this, I am starting a new mission for the month of June 2014, and probably beyond: I am going to strive to only eat food that I make myself at home, and avoid processed foods and things that contain preservatives, high fructose corn syrup, hydrogenated oils, and other chemicals I can't pronounce. I will explore some of the techniques, challenges, ideas, and of course recipes that I encounter along the way.

What's more, between decorating the new house and actually having SPACE, I am hoping to revive what little crafting ability I have and learn lots of new skills too! I enjoy the satisfaction (and the bragging rights!) of having made something myself, and I am looking forward to breaking out my glue gun and MAKING things!

That's the sort of thing I expect to discuss regularly on this blog, but no promises that I won't also occasionally post cute photos of my dog Bilbo or my thoughts on the latest movie etc. It is MY blog after all :)

Thanks for visiting!

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