Sunday, June 1, 2014

On the Menu This Week

So, June 1st is the beginning of my quest to eat only homemade foods! I am going to make an effort each week to keep track of what I'm cooking, when I cook it, and how it turned out! I mostly keep my recipes on Pinterest which is a little haphazard so this will help me keep track of things.

For now I will only be posting the recipes that I make here on the blog, and not the stuff my husband makes, because my husband is one of those toss-it-in-and-see-what-happens sort of cooks, like his father. Occasionally he will find a recipe online and use it, but generally he just mixes spices and measures ingredients to taste. If he ever comes up with a truly stellar combo I will do my best to document it so I can post it here!

The way our schedule is now, I cook two nights a week, my husband cooks another two nights a week, and the rest of the week we eat leftovers or fend for ourselves (aka, eat pasta). I may add in additional cooking days since this schedule was conceived with the idea that we usually eat out on Saturdays anyway, and that's something I will be (mostly) avoiding from now!

Anyway! Here's what I'm planning to make this week:


So the plan at present is to make a baked good, like a scone or muffin, on Sunday and just eat one every morning for breakfast. I usually eat breakfast after I get to work in the morning, so it's important that I have something that is portable and ready-to-eat, or at least easily microwaved. As such, for this week I have chosen to make: Cinnamon Chocolate Chip Scones
Cinnamon Chocolate Chip Scones

Don't they look scrumptious? I love chocolate, and I love cinnamon, so I have high hopes for these scones!

Dinner #1

The first dinner I'm making this week is a new recipe for me, Panko Stuffed Chicken Breasts! I have never tried stuffing chicken breasts before, but these look sooooo yummy. 

Dinner #2

The final dinner I'll be making this week is Spinach with ChickpeasExcept I am leaving out the raisins. Cause ew.

 Spinach with Chickpeas Recipe

Mostly because I have to buy spinach anyway for the chicken breast recipe and also because we have a huge can of chickpeas I have been meaning to get rid of. I won't be able to use them all for this recipe (it is a BIG can!) which leads me to....

Snack Food

I want to make a new snack food every week. I enjoy having snacks, and I find them pretty essential at 3 pm on a weekday when I'm STARVING and have hours to go before dinner! I think having healthy, filling snacks will keep me from being so hungry when I leave work, which in turn will keep me from ordering pizza!

With that in mind, and with a big pile of chickpeas to eat, I want to try Roasted Chickpeas!

Homemade roasted chickpea snacks done 4 ways - such a great way to get some protein!

Chickpeas are protein-rich, which is great for filling up on. Plus more cinnamon, you guys. Yum yum!

Well that's the menu round-up! I will check back in a bit to review the results of these recipes and explain any ways I would to tweak them etc. Happy eating!

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